
Because neutral is the only way forward we must all do our collective part in stemming the increase of atmospheric carbon (CO2e) while implementing a holistic regimen to reduce, recycle and restore.  Reduce our use of those things that produce carbon or cause carbon to be produced.  Recycle plastics, metals and paper goods, preventing these raw materials from being harvested and refined requiring great energy to produce these goods.  Restore the earth’s natural defenses against CO2 by reforestation and develop alternative power solutions that do not burn fossil fuels, one of the greatest contributors to atmospheric carbon dioxide.

By purchasing CO2e Project carbon offsets you are providing for new and additional development of native forests, wind, solar and various other alternative electric generation facilities all of which are helping to reduce carbon emissions in meaningful measure.  Thank you.

CO2e Project is dedicated to making this world a better place in which to live by reversing the trend of global warming through meaningful and verifiable projects that meet the strictest of standards.  To be acceptable projects should provide additionality to the earth’s natural resources. 

Individuals Going Neutral

Singles and families wanting to help restore nature’s balance neutralize home energy use and travel to arrive at a neutral CO2 balance



Businesses Going Neutral

Companies, after working to partially reduce their emissions and energy use offset the remainder to become carbon neutral

Certified OffsetsCertificate_Types.html
100% Organic tees
with built-in offsetsGifts_With_Purpose.html